I finally caught the pesky mouse that's been climbing up my tables and hiding in my closets and leaving a trail of God knows what that's been driving me crazy for the past weeks. Well, mice, actually. There are two of them. Two tiny little filthy mice. And I mean filthy in the literal sense.
Now I have to figure out how to get rid of these two. They are cute and furry, after all. Wide-eyed and innocent-looking. If only they didn't chew through my extension wires and leave bacteria-ridden poop and pee all around, I'd probably consider keeping them. But I really have to figure out how to dispose of these mice now. Can't throw them outside, they'll just waltz right back in. Can I drown them? Would that be considered as cruelty to animals? Filthy, disgusting, disease-carrying mice are still animals, aren't they?
It's things like this that make me miss Scraggy even more. I didn't have to worry about rodents and their rights as animals until now. When Scraggy whacked them, it was just part of the food chain. And then there are the creepy spiders that I am afraid of. Scraggy used to take care of those for me, too. But that's a whole different story.