August 11, 2007.
Around 9:30pm.
The day after we rescued BamBam from under Jake's car.
Operator: "911, what's your emergency?"
Me: "Uh, my kitten fell into a ditch and she can't climb back out. She's trying to but she just falls back into the water every time."
Operator: "How deep is the water, Ma'am?"
Me: "Water? Uhm, maybe just around an inch or two. It didn't rain today. But the ditch is around 14 or 15 feet deep with concrete walls that go straight down on either side."
Operator: "Okay. What is your exact location?"
Me: "1234 Forest Hills, Banawa."
Operator: ("All units, we have a 321* over at 1234 Forest Hills, Banawa. Victim may have sustained injuries due to the fall, possible hypothermia...") "A rescue unit is on the way, Ma'am. How long has your kitten been down there?"
Me: "I don't know... she was already in there when we arrived. She's huddled in a corner now meowing... probably cold and exhausted. I just adopted her a couple of days ago and she's sick and thin and we're still trying to nurse her back to health." ("It's okay, BamBam. Help is on the way. You'll be out of there soon. Just hang on.")
Operator: "Okay, Ma'am. Just keep talking to her and keep her calm. The rescue team should be there soon."
Me: "I hear them." ("You hear that, Bam? Help is almost here. You'll be okay.") "Thank you."
*Writer's Note: 321 = rescue code for "a kitten has fallen into a 15-foot ditch with 1-2 inches of water in it and can't climb back out"